Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix - There are many things that can be done to humiliate the calories of a favorite recipe without sacrificing flavor. For example, you may locate it unconditionally simple to convert a associates favorite pancake recipe to a low calorie pancake recipe. One of the first things to cut out in any recipe to lower its calories is fat. In many recipes, especially for baking, some or all or the fat can be substituted equally for applesauce. Here is a simple combination wheat pancake recipe that lonesome takes a few minutes to prepare. This is a great exchange to regular pancakes with you're compulsion something hot off the griddle. The combination wheat flour reduces the glycemic index of the pancakes and makes them a relatively health breakfast choice.

Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix You can cook Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix use 4 ingredients and 10 step. Here's how to.

Ingredients cook Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix

  1. Prepare 200 grams Pancake mix.
  2. Prepare 40 grams Margarine.
  3. You need 50 ml Water.
  4. Prepare 1 pack each Chocolate chunks (white and semi-sweet).

How to make Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix

  1. Put the margarine into a bowl. Mix with a spatula. I didn't have a spatula so I used a wooden spoon..
  2. Add the pancake mix and stir it in..
  3. Then cut 1 cube of DARS chocolate into 2-3 pieces. If the pieces are roughly cut, the finished product tastes better..
  4. White chocolate looks like this..
  5. Then pour in the water in 2 batches. Knead the mixture with your fingers..
  6. When the dough lumps together, stir in the chocolate pieces..
  7. Preheat the oven to 170°C..
  8. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper, roll up the dough, and cut into 6-8 pieces. Leave spaces between each piece on the sheet..
  9. Then put them into the preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes. And then they're done..
  10. I have leftover sliced almonds, so I added some. It's also delicious to add sesame seeds and raisins..

Also Read Other Recipes at: AllRecipes Pancake

Starbucks-style Scones with Pancake Mix - In complement to the low calorie pancake recipe, you will find that many other recipes that have been family favorites through the years can be converted to belittle the calorie and fat content even though increasing fiber for a healthier dish to set on your table.