Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes - There are many things that can be ended to humiliate the calories of a favorite recipe without sacrificing flavor. For example, you may find it certainly simple to convert a associates favorite pancake recipe to a low calorie pancake recipe. One of the first things to cut out in any recipe to belittle its calories is fat. In many recipes, especially for baking, some or all or the fat can be substituted equally for applesauce. Here is a easy entire sum wheat pancake recipe that and no-one else takes a few minutes to prepare. This is a good rotate to regular pancakes in imitation of you're craving something warm off the griddle. The collect wheat flour reduces the glycemic index of the pancakes and makes them a relatively health breakfast choice.

Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes You can cook Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes wear 7 ingredients and 8 step. Here's how to cook .

Ingredients make Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

  1. Prepare 3 tbsp Oatmeal.
  2. Prepare 1/2 large Banana.
  3. You need 1/2 tsp Cinnamon (or cocoa powder or roasted soy flour).
  4. Provide 1 tsp Peanut butter.
  5. Prepare 2 tbsp Milk.
  6. Provide Toppings:.
  7. Prepare 5 slice Sliced bananas (from the leftover banana above).

How to cook Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

  1. Combine the oatmeal, banana, cinnamon, and peanut butter in a mug cup..
  2. Using the back of the fork, mash the bananas and mix well for 2-3 minutes. It's okay if small chunks of bananas remain..
  3. Once it is well combined, add milk and mix again. The batter should have a thicker consistency than a pancake batter..
  4. Thinly grease a small frying pan about 18 cm in diameter with oil. Pour the mixture from Step 3 into a round shape..
  5. Slowly cook the pancake for about 4 minutes on low heat. Flip it over and cook for another 2-3 minutes. When it starts to brown nicely, it's done..
  6. Serve on a plate with sliced bananas and enjoy..
  7. The pancake is sweet if the banana is ripe, but have it with honey or maple syrup if you want more sweetness..
  8. The pancake in the picture is cinnamon flavored, but you can vary it by using cocoa, roasted soy flour, or tea leaves instead..

Also Read Other Recipes at: AllRecipes Pancake

Easy-to-Make Banana Oatmeal Pancakes - In auxiliary to the low calorie pancake recipe, you will find that many additional recipes that have been family favorites through the years can be converted to subjugate the calorie and fat content though increasing fiber for a healthier dish to set upon your table.