Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese - There are many things that can be the end to demean the calories of a favorite recipe without sacrificing flavor. For example, you may find it unconditionally simple to convert a associates favorite pancake recipe to a low calorie pancake recipe. One of the first things to cut out in any recipe to subjugate its calories is fat. In many recipes, especially for baking, some or every or the fat can be substituted equally for applesauce. Here is a easy total wheat pancake recipe that without help takes a few minutes to prepare. This is a great vary to regular pancakes past you're infatuation something warm off the griddle. The summative wheat flour reduces the glycemic index of the pancakes and makes them a relatively health breakfast choice.

Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese You can make Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese use 9 ingredients and 4 step. Here's how to cook .

Ingredients cook Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese

  1. Provide 1 packages Green onions (or scallions).
  2. Provide 1 stick Chikuwa (small).
  3. You need 1 tbsp Bonito flakes.
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp Tempura crumbs.
  5. Prepare 1 pinch Pizza cheese.
  6. You need 3 tbsp ★Plain flour.
  7. Prepare 3 tbsp ★Water.
  8. Provide 1 ★Eggs (large).
  9. Provide 1 dash ★Soy sauce.

How to make Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese

  1. Add the ★ ingredients to a bowl and mix well. Cut the chikuwa into thin rings. Roughly chop the green onions into 1cm pieces. (See Hints.).
  2. Add in the green onions along with the rest of the ingredients, and mix together..
  3. Heat oil in a pan, pour in the mixture from Step 2, and cook well on both sides over medium heat . Make sure to press down on it with a spatula in the process to make it all stick together..
  4. It's done . Try it with okonomiyaki sauce and other condiments . I drizzle it with soy sauce for a light flavor . It also tastes great without anything on it..

Also Read Other Recipes at: AllRecipes Pancake

Simple! Green Onion Pancakes (Negiyaki) with Cheese - In accessory to the low calorie pancake recipe, you will locate that many extra recipes that have been relatives favorites through the years can be converted to degrade the calorie and fat content while increasing fiber for a healthier plate to set upon your table.